Software for Radiotherapy Treatment Centers
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Areas of Practice

   Process Groups We Help


The financial process for proton therapy centers is particularly complex. If the process isn’t managed or tracked correctly, you could be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed opportunities. Now, using Vantage, you can track verification of patient benefits, the appeals process, and managing associated timelines. Finance staff will know when to follow up with insurance companies and patients, so that important filing and appeals deadlines are not missed, and easily share this information across departments. Using Vantage to track verification of patient benefits and insurance follow up dates will eliminate lost opportunities. 


Many systems do not offer data collection or tracking until a lead is already qualified as a patient. Vantage starts tracking from initial patient contact, so important data is easily stored and shared from the beginning of the process. This data can later be mined to understand how people are being referred to your center, and just as importantly, how long it takes to move someone through each aspect of treatment.

DOSIMETRY/ PHYSICS treatment planning

Vantage enables dosimetrists and physicists to clearly and efficiently prioritize, schedule, and manage the treatment planning process for daily treatment of multiple patients over multiple weeks, by tracking where each patient is in the process and what the next steps are. Imagine no more spreadsheets, lost notes, or endless phone calls to other departments!   



Vantage makes it easier to manage the scheduling process, helping coordinate treatment appointments between available treatment rooms and patient schedules. This allows you to ensure that your patient is getting treated within the timeframe allowed by their insurance. Vantage gives you the information you need, when you need it, so you can manage treatment updates and efficiently schedule the patient in the oncology information system.

patient services

Vantage makes it easy to offer continual support and services (pre-treatment, during treatment, and long-term followup) to patients, by facilitating the capture of information about each patient and instantly sharing it across departments. Patient services can use this data to know when treatment rooms are running late, assist with planning for out-of-town patients, manage timelines for operational milestones such as graduations, and to connect with former patients.


Vantage helps to manage the process of coordinating available treatment rooms and patient schedules to ensure that your patients are getting treated within the timeframes allowed by their insurance. Once again, Vantage gives you the information you need, when you need it, so you can manage treatment updates and efficiently schedule the patient in the oncology information system.